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When I first stumbled upon Chris I had recently moved back from living up north where I was trying to train for the police but unfortunately suffered from a stress fracture in my foot. Now that I was healed, I knew I needed help. When I found Chris I was excited to see how he could help me achieve my goals. I was working full time and had two hours of travel time per day but I was determined to achieve my dream of becoming a Police Officer. The biggest issue I had was not being able to push myself hard enough during training to gain the necessary fitness to pass the run test. Once I started training with Chris he helped me to realize how bad my mental strength was. This played a large role in my fitness not improving as I did not believe in myself or believe I would ever be able to pass the run test. Chris helped me push hard, he helped me push through my barriers that I created and get the results needed to pass the Police test. He was always there to support me and gave me advise whenever I needed it. He provided work out plans and advise on what to do on the days I was not training with him. Chris also helped greatly with my push ups making sure my technique was flawless. He gave me someone to be accountable to and I also found that training with people who are after the same goals helped greatly in continuous improvement. The results I have gained from Chris’s help is finally being able to pass all fitness tests for the Police, my mental strength is the strongest it’s ever been, I have realized how import positive thinking can be and how much of an effect it can have on you.
It made me also realize how important it is to have people around you that support you and believe in you no matter what, which is exactly what he did. This filtered into all aspects of my life by making lifestyle changes to give myself the best chance of reaching my goals. I got a new job closer to home giving me more time to focus on me and my training, surrounding myself with positive people who support me. Being positive and changing my thought patterns was part of the reason for my success and I thank Chris for helping me work through that. I have had a long journey with my Police Application, I could not imagine how much longer and how much harder this would have been without Chris’s support and advise. I would highly recommend Chris to anyone who is thinking of joining the Police, his positivity, humor and supportiveness makes such a difference in the trainings that he provides. He pushes you past your barriers and helps you work through any mindset issues you may have that is affecting your fitness and mental strength.
His attention to detail and making sure your technique for push ups are crucial. I received multiple compliments from the trainers on how good my pushups were on test days. I look forward to starting my journey and joining his support group for future and current officers.  

Regards Amy


I was already going through the recruitment process when I first reached out to Chris. I had my PAT rehearsal in a week and was starting to doubt myself. I didn’t have a specific structure with my workouts, partly because my aim for each workout was to try and fit in as much as I could in case my routine for the week was really disrupted. Running though is my ‘me time’, I love to run and typically it would be for a longer distance, as the further I went the longer my ‘me time’ was. I knew the distance wouldn’t be a problem it was just the pace at which I needed to run to clear the time. The program helped incorporate either a 2.4 or interval/sprint work to get set the pace and on the longer runs I did I made sure I ran the last 400m as fast as I could. It also gave me direction with my workouts to focus on things specifically for the police fitness tests. Starting with Chris I had only the fitness in mind, but he and the group offer so much more than that. The daily support, motivation (especially on those nights when you keep putting the training for the day off, then you log in to see everyone else has done theirs so you get off your ass and just do it), information, knowledge and guidance. Not only did I achieve my fitness goals to pass the tests (new ones are set now!) but the advice from Chris and the members when it came to academics and formal interview helped me more than I thought I needed, ensuring I passed each stage as this is it, plan A / the end goal. I have always wanted to be a police officer it was just a matter of timing. One of the areas of Policing that I hadn’t put much thought into until Chris was the effect the job will have on me mentally and emotionally. I am not the type of person to talk about my feelings or personal life, even to those I am closest too, but Chris made me realise that your mental well being is just as important, if not more important than your physical. Thinking about your why, your motivation, what might challenge or affect you and how you will cope is an area I have put more thought into now. I want to make sure I am aware and prepared mentally and physically for all aspects of the job, so at the end of the day I can come home, still be mum and be 100% present. The tools Chris and his programs offer are endless, he goes above and beyond, sharing his own experience to help support and guide others to be the best version of themselves and ultimately prepare them for their career in the police. Train hard, test easy doesn’t just apply to the physical fitness, mental and emotional fitness is just as crucial. Thank you, Chris, for all you have done, do and continue to do. You have helped set me up for my new career and I feel more prepared than ever, working on bringing the best package or version of myself to college and beyond (I have been shortlisted now just awaiting the final confirmed offer for that wing).


Yo Han

When I met Chris, I was a personal trainer based in Northshore. I chose to train with Chris because I needed extra motivation to get me through to the police. I was terrible at running the 2.4km for the PAT and Chris helped me to achieve my goals by training me twice a week , workouts specifically designed to help achieve the run and motivation.   If you’re looking to join the NZ police, contact Chris and he will definitely help you get through.

Yo Han


Prior to meeting Chris and beginning his 12wk programme I had been training by myself and really struggling. I felt as though I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was the right kind of training to be doing and also felt isolated in the sense that I had no one to go to for advice, I felt pretty lost. Since I have started the programme and had Chris as a trainer I have a set programme that I follow and I know it is working as I can see it in my results! The best part is that Chris is so approachable. I know that anytime I am struggling with anything or am not sure about something I can reach out and I always get a response almost immediately. Being in Chris’ team and apart of the programme is super motivating and pushes you in a way that just wasn’t happening for me previously. I am a more motivated and fitter person since meeting Chris. Exercise has become a lifestyle and I enjoy it whereas before I always felt it was a chore. I am thankful for meeting Chris as I know I would still be at square 1 and struggling with the same issues rather than progressing both mentally and physically like I have. Thanks Chris



Before I met Chris and joined his amazing team of knocking demon fitness, I was well struggling…. I was getting out working on my fitness, doing my 2.4k run but I wasn’t pushing for my absolute best. My motivation was lacking I had the want but I just didn’t have the drive. I got out everyday did my work outs but I honestly wasn’t putting in 100%, because I didn’t hold my self accountable to what I really wanted but also why I wanted it. I wanted to join the police but I just didn’t uncover the real why …. Chis helped me find that.   My mindset towards working out and fitness in general has fully changed for the better because of this group and the services Chris has to offer. I went from struggling to get out and do a run, to LOVING running when I once hated it !!. I 100% credit Chris’s support and mentoring to my change. Without Chris and his program but also the amazing team we have here I wouldn’t have made the change for the better.   Chris has done nothing but motivate and challenge me from day 1, I can’t thank him enough for putting me where I am today. I went from barley being able to do 10 full Police pushups to confidently smashing out 20+. My 2.4 has dropped dramatically in time to the point where I ran my PAT rehearsal and, flew through it with flying colours and full of confidence, in myself and also the training I had received. If I didn’t take this opportunity to join Chris I honestly can say I WOULDN'T have been at all ready, nor confident with my PAT rehearsal.   In other aspects of my life working with Chris has helped improve my attitude when, it comes to obstacles I face in everyday life be it my job or life related. I can tackle just about anything I put my mind to and I take on any challenge put before me with complete confidence and motivation. This is all thanks to Chris who has welcomed me to his program with open arms and nothing but words of wisdom and support.   To anyone out there who is looking etc joining the New Zealand Police I strongly urge you, to take a look at what Chris has to offer. Mainly because he is an all round amazing guy with so much wisdom and knowledge. Being an ex cop he knows the bar and just how high it is set, and he Also has a lot to offer and has 1000000000% changed my life for the better. Not just fitness but how I interact with my partner and work.   If you care enough to be a cop give Chris a email snd get in touch ASAP !!   I hope to see you… yes you future officer, as a new member of our growing team.  

Kia kaha Olivia


When I first met Chris I had just started back at my old job McDonald’s, my partner had just come back from police college and starting his new job as a police officer. My concrete problem was being very jealous of my partner for being a police officer and doing the job that I dream of having. I was very bitter, angry, very much in my own head. I was unhappy and unmotivated. Chris has been an amazing help. We did a exercise called ‘7 layers deep’ and it really got me thinking/digging into other reasons I was unhappy, it was very emotional and I opened up doors that I have kept shut for a long time.  He’s encouraged me and helped me become more motivated and strong, my fitness has changed dramatically and so has my mind set! Being bitter and jealous all the time had a big domino effect at work, I hated going, I was upset, I didn’t want to be there and I took it out on crew. It caused problems with the most important people in my life! Fighting with my partner all the time, being upset everyday he went to work us not wanting to come home to each other. If I didn’t start this journey with Chris I would still be the same unhappy, jealous person.  After doing this 12 week course I am happier than I’ve been in a long time, I’ve lost weight and love the way I look, and my relationship is amazing. I’ve started focusing on other areas of my life, like applying for a new job, looking at travelling and making memories with my partner and looking forward to joining the New Zealand Police.  If you are considering working with Chris and being apart of this amazing group! Absolutely do it, it will help you, motivate you and make you a better version of yourself. Being able to work with and relate with other people apart of the group is so special and really helps as they are all in the same boat as you. Join this group and you will not regret it! Get excited to see the changes you are about to make to your life!



I’m grateful for this 12 week police fitness master class (Knocking Demon Fitness) program. Before this program I was having a major struggle with my running most importantly being able to remain motivated and consistent. It has always been a dream of mine to one day join the Royal New Zealand Police Force as much as I wanted to so bad I had a hard time with my 2.4 km run or even running itself. I’ve tried any running fitness app there was but still I find it hard to stick to it yet not being able to remain motivated for long. And that’s when I came across Chris’s 12 week program advertisement on social media so I thought why not give this a go. And you know what I’ve never been more glad to have come across it. Not only has Chris and his program helped me get into running but also I’ve seen and felt myself improved over the last 12 weeks in terms of my 2.4km run from 19 minutes 4 seconds in the first week to now 15 minutes 34 seconds in week 12. Not only have my running improved but my Push-ups also i started off only being able to do 5 shitty Pushups in the first week but now I’m able to do maximum of 30 Proper Police Pushups all thanks to Chris and his program. I’m grateful to have been apart of a group where I felt supported and motivated every week and just being able to grow mentally and physically fit. Not only have I seen and felt results but also those around me have noticed and that’s all thanks to this awesome program and of course Chris for pushing me beyond my limits. I believe that if I had not come across this program I would’ve still been having a hard time struggling with where to start with my running and being able to keep myself motivated. Chris is truly an excellent mentor. He is the perfect combination of tough and warm. And his program has helped me mentally, emotionally and physically. Because of his efforts, I am more stronger and have improved with my running, I have better balance and most importantly working out and running has become a bit more fun and easy compared to 12 weeks ago. He is skilled, thoughtful, sensible, and a pleasure to work with and talk to when you’re having one of those days where you just feel shitty or not motivated. He knows just how and when to encourage and when to push you. He embodies change through consistent and positive feedback and encouragement. He retrained my attitude while I retrained my body. And in a short time, I gained the confidence to walk in the gym and get straight into doing my workouts at the best of my ability and going for my run. He also places a high value of correct form with each exercise. He motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results. I have incredible energy, my balance and running have improved immensely and I’ve got great new muscles. So for anyone that’s considering working with Chris to improve their life, fitness and mindset I highly recommend this program, you won’t regret it, worth your money and most importantly you won’t be alone in this program you’ll have the best support group from other fellow members encouraging and motivating you throughout your 12 weeks and as I’ve experienced throughout this program Chris goes above and beyond to provide you with extra tools to help you especially if you’re wanting to join the Royal New Zealand Police Force.



Before I met Chris I was struggling in my fitness to get past a barrier, physical and mental. I knew that I had to try to turn to someone for help and as a male I can understand for some of us we think that we don’t really need anyone to help us. My specific struggle was getting to the goal of 11:15 on the run and 34+ push ups in the PAT. I had previously failed the year before so before I applied I reached out to Chris to see if he could help me positively. I was lucky enough to live close to his area and drive out to a location where I could join others where he looked for specific techniques in push ups and look at your running technique too. I joined in March 2019 and as I am writing this (Jan 2020) I am still a client and a member of the Facebook group where up to 40 people post and share their ups and downs that they go through almost daily. I attended many track session where most of the time would be 1:1 training where he would give me certain challenges/ goals to see if I was on track before I applied in July 2018, he would also train with me very often which does increase my competitiveness and intensity in training which has helped me build confidence towards my test. The results have been great, as I am writing this I am going through my last medical and reference checks and should be assigned my wing number by end of February. So far I have passed my Initial PAT and my rehearsal PAT and just waiting to sit my Final PAT which would be in early March 2020. Chris has also helped me to increase my body language, mindset and attitude through different mediums such as the facebook group, 1:1 calls and group calls. In my opinion this could be argued that this side is more important than going to the scheduled training because he is able to dig deep and find out things that you don’t even know about yourself. At the moment I’m not too sure that others that are close have benefited in my life just yet but as soon as I am a policeman thats when they can benefit. But in saying that others have benefited because you get to make meet a lot of positive and influential people in the group and I’ve had the privilege to train with them and help me grow. I think that the cost of not working with Chris is that you miss out on a reliable person who helped me and other people sustain their passion and their goal of becoming a police officer. I really do believe that yes I know that you still have to put work but without that effective person/coach/trainer you miss out on that mental aspect.

To the people that are considering joining Chris I think that he will improve your life if you are willing and open to his training methods, he basically doubles not only as your trainer but as a therapist, physiotherapist and can answer any questions towards the police because he has 7 years experience on the frontline.



Prior to meeting Chris my life long dream was to become a police officer, many things had got in the way up until this point travel / work / my excuses etc, I was put on to Chris through a friend and if it wasn’t for this I think I would still be ‘wishing’, ‘dreaming’ about becoming an officer. When I first spoke to Chris I was very reluctant to join, I was at rock bottom, I was battling some mental issues and was just starting to come out of a pretty dark place, I could barely make a decision on whether or not to join this group. But after talking and realising that it was more than the physical side I needed help with, I made it work. And I can whole heartedly say I am grateful and super thankful for him and this amazing group of people. Chris’s group approach is hands down the greatest thing to come of it, being surrounded with like minded people all with the same dream and ultimate goal to join the police is 100% beneficial. This group holds you accountable, you live and breathe police training for 12 weeks, you meet some amazing people from your home town, you push each other and challenges are put forward so it is engaging throughout the week. The results I have had not only in my fitness but my mindset has propelled me into the fittest I have ever been, from someone who hated running to someone who is happy to get out there and smash it. With the tools, guidance and advice from Chris around being able to push past the barriers and win the mental battle in your head I have been able to achieve great fitness goals and my mindset has flipped 360. This has transpired into my every day life, for once I feel like I am in charge of it and my friendships, work and home life are now stronger than ever and negativity that I used to put up with is no longer present.  I would hands down recommend this 12 week programme to anyone wanting to turn this dream into reality, I would not be so far along in the police process if it was not for this group, if you really want it but lack the motivation or just don’t know where to start, start here you won’t regret it. 



When I met Chris, I was working on my father in-law's vineyard. For years I have been trying to decide when the right time was to join the Police, and after meeting Chris i really decided to go for it.    I had been post ACL/MCL replacement surgery, and wasn't overly confident in myself physically. Now i have a hell of a lot more confidence in myself to get up and smash goals I've set and then accomplished, which already showed through my PAT tests, my general fitness, and even my home life where my family see how far i've come physically.  On top of this, Chris has been a massive help mentally. At the drop of a hat, Chris has been only a message or call away, to help with any mental struggle I had whether it be about my fitness goals, or something a bit more personal, and is still there to help out.    I have come a very, very long way since first starting with Chris, and without his help I believe I would not have been able to achieve what I have so far.    I would highly recommend Chris for future Police applicants. His support, positivity and humour makes the application and training process a lot less daunting, and pushes you well past any and all mental and physical barriers that may have stopped you in your tracks otherwise.



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Police Fitness Prep is the ultimate program for aspiring police who recognize the need to not just pass their fitness requirements but learn to use it to process the trauma and stress throughout their police career. This program is designed to help you build, sustain, and pass and and all of your Police application and fitness requirements.